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The association grants a number of scholarships each year. Please note the related information below.
bougainvillea branch drawing
    The value of scholarships awarded annually is $500 to $1000 each, to a maximum of twenty (20) recipients. The scholarships are not automatically renewable or transferable.
    to encourage and assist deserving students to pursue educational goals acknowledge and recognize academic efforts and community involvement
    Student Status: The student must be registered as a full-time or part-time student at an accredited post-secondary institution. Academic achievement: The student must have attained an acceptable average in the previous school year. Association Involvement: Favourable consideration will be given to those applicants who have participated in Association activities within the previous twelve months. Community Involvement: Favourable consideration will be given to individuals who are actively involved in volunteering activities at school or in the community.
    A copy of the students previous year transcripts or report card must accompany the application Proof of registration or enrollment a post-secondary institution must be attached Write a note on why you should be awarded a scholarship. Please include your future goals.
    Completed application package MUST be received no later than July 30th, 2024. Please note that we are no longer considering applications for 2024.
    The Selection Committee appointed by the Grenada/Canada Social and Cultural Association of Calgary will select candidates and administer the scholarship program.
    The scholarship recipient must volunteer to assist with at least one of the annual functions that the Grenada association holds or participate in. For example, our annual independence dinner, the Mustard Seed dinner, Sports Day, Carifest booth or an event to be held at our building. Alternatively, you must report at least 5 volunteer hours within your community or at school. A letter signed by the necessary authority must be received by the Grenada association no later than August 17th 2023. Failure to meet those obligations can rule out further scholarship awards to this individual.
    A cheque for the full value of the scholarship will be issued in the name of the institution that the student will be attending. In the event that a student has to drop out of the program in which they have been registered, it is imperative that the Association be informed. The student will be required to return to the Grenada Association any refund received from the institution that is associated with the payment made by the Grenada association.
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